Featured Artists

I’ve gathered the artists who have been featured on the show, you can click through the images to explore their work and access their portfolios

Winterheart Studios

Tiffany Chin

Amanda Krantz

Asta Caplan

Masira Mansuri

Maggie Caton

Ameni Abida

Amos Art

Jane Nevill

Emilia Koziol

Anna Karetnikova


Colors of Clara


Carlota Roque Martins

Em The Creative

Celeste Laster

April White

Guan The Illustrator

Psychedelic Lens

Anna Thundercliffe

Sarah Doan

Fernanda Peralta

Lenna Winterton


Landis Blair

Henry Baker

Isa Indra Permana


Kiki Nordstrom

Kate Louise Powell

Jen Kershaw

Halima Washington-Dixon

Barbara Lim

Brian Cheung

Claudia Melchor

Jolanda Zürcher

Wild Brewed

Jordan C. Witt

Natalie Andrewson

Imogen Marsteller

Iryna Maksymova

Prints By Jam

Maxine McCrann

Ingrid Nilsson


Lynn Heinbach

Katerina Vorónina

Cecilie Davis

Yumi in Color

Natt Donaldson

Kevin Lustik


Vicky Leta

Tanya Timble

Shailandra Jadeja

Owen Rival


Lizzie-May Amos

Mary Jean Ruhnke

Georgia Green

Eliza Young

Masiel Soler-Urzúa

Fiona Maclean

Abby Hubbard

Addeline Griswold

Mystic Multiples

Eri Aikawa

Alanna Cartier

Alexandra Sherman

Ana Maria Lozano

Anissa Rivière​