Pain Oeuf Spaghetti


Leftover spaghetti has never been more appealing



In my “How Do You Eat Eggs” series, I made a delectable, filling Cameroonian egg dish called pain oeuf spaghetti, or a spaghetti-omelet sandwich. This simple meal is the perfect lazy day meal, as you can use leftover pasta, bread, and egg to make it. I especially enjoyed the combination of a delicious omelet with pasta—what an idea! 

 This pain oeuf spaghetti recipe comes from Claire, who lives near Paris, France, but is from Cameroon, a country on the West African coast next to Nigeria. Throughout Cameroon, people mostly eat spaghetti-omelet sandwiches for lunch, but they are also enjoyed at breakfast time. It is common for students and workers alike to buy it from street vendors during lunch breaks. Claire loves pain oeuf spaghetti because it brings her back to Cameroon summers when she spent time working with her grandmother in her field. She makes it nowadays when she’s feeling lazy but wants something good and comforting.  

 Between the bread, the spaghetti, and the omelet, I don’t think there’s anything not to like here! Pain oeuf spaghetti is very simple yet filling and flavorful. It brought me joy just to sit and indulge in the excellent toppings and crunchy bread. The dish is pantry-friendly and very easy to make—you can even use leftover spaghetti for bonus lazy points! This was my first time using Maggi seasoning sauce, and since it has a distinctly salty umami flavor, I didn’t salt or season the eggs outside of this.  

I absolutely loved this pain oeuf spaghetti recipe. It uses two crucial comfort foods—bread and pasta—and pairs them with egg protein for fuel! On your next lazy day, I highly recommend you give Claire’s spaghetti-omelet sandwich a try. 

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Pain Oeuf Spaghetti


  • 2-3 eggs
  • ¼ bell pepper red or green
  • ½ a tomato
  • ½ an onion
  • 1 tsp Maggi seasoning sauce or ½ a cube
  • pepper
  • ½ cup leftover, cooked spaghetti
  • baguette


  • Chop the onion, tomato and bell pepper. Fry them in an oily skillet at medium heat. Mix regularly. When the onions are cooked, set aside. 
  • In the meantime, beat your eggs with the Maggi seasoning and pepper in a bowl (NO SALT ). Add your veggies and mix well.  
  • Reheat your skillet add a little bit of oil if necessary. Spread the spaghetti in one layer and pour the egg batter. 
  • Once it is set, push it from the side so it’s evenly spread Let it cook 3-4 minutes at medium heat When the bottom is golden flip your omelet. (we recommend to use a plate to not brake it) And cook for another 2-3 mins.  
  • Put your omelet in the bread. And add the sauce of the choice (I would recommend nothing too overpowering like a thin spread of mayo and a little bit of chili oil/ sauce).
Course: Breakfast, Lunch
Region: Africa
Diet: Vegetarian
Keyword: Kid Friendly


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