

An Indigenous recipe that can lean sweet or savory



In my “How the World Eats Fried Foods” series, this simple bannock recipe caught my eye because of its simplicity and soft, flaky interior. I knew I had to try this, as it is an excellent example of perfectly fried bread. In addition, I had the wonderful opportunity to make and try an indigenous recipe, which is too rare on my channel!

This bannock recipe comes from Taysia in British Columbia, Canada. Taysia enjoys this recipe because it connects her to her Métis culture; the Métis people are an indigenous group in Canada that originated from a shared heritage of French fur traders and indigenous people. As Taysia tells us, their culture and food reflect this. Made from flour, buttermilk, salt, sugar, baking powder, and jam, bannock is still enjoyed by indigenous people across Canada.

Bannock is often enjoyed at powwows or on indigenous land near the lake or the beach during summertime. It is served fresh and hot with cinnamon sugar at the beaches near Taysia, and many food trucks and indigenous-run restaurants also keep it alive. This recipe is incredibly versatile, as one could fry, bake, or cook the bread and serve it in a sweet or savory manner.

Indigenous fried bread has been a widely popular request since I started this channel, so hooray! I hope this encourages more indigenous people to reach out with their recipes. Although bannock can be enjoyed with cinnamon sugar or used as a burger bun for salmon, beef, moose, or hotdog, I opted to serve it with a simple jam. The inside of this fried bread was incredibly soft, airy, and moist. The flaky layers were delicious, which was surprising considering the recipe does not call for yeast.

This is one of the lowest-stress breads I’ve ever made! It turned out perfectly, and it is slightly sweet, which always makes me happy. Hats off to the Métis people, who are one of only three indigenous tribes recognized in Canada. There are a few populations in the United States too, but the Canadian population is relatively small, with only around 620,000 Métis existing out of 38 million Canadians. I hope some of you see this and send in more recipes, because I truly enjoyed bannock, and I’m sure everyone making it at home will, too!

Give this bannock recipe a try and let me know what you think. It is so easy to make and even easier to enjoy!

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  • 4 cups flour sifted
  • 3 Tbsp baking powder
  • 1-2 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2-3 cups buttermilk


  • Sift together all the dry ingredients and slowly stream in the cold buttermilk or soured milk with light strokes just until liquid is absorbed.
  • Knead a few times until dough is smoother.
  • Divide and shape into 1/2 inch tall “cakes” that are round or oval in shape (usually about the size of your hand but they can be huge!) dust with enough flour to make them easier to handle.
  • Shallow fry in neutral oil, like vegetable or canola (though lard is delicious and certainly common) at a medium heat until the bottom crust has formed enough to hold everything together, flip and cook until golden on the other side.
  • Serve with your choice of sweet or savory toppings!
Course: Breakfast, Snack
Region: North America
Keyword: Comfort food


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