Arroz con Gandules
Spiced Rice & Pigeon Peas
No one can deny chili’s powerful spicy kick! With its heat and specific taste, it can also make any dish unique and even more delicious. Because of this, chili is a recognizable spice all over the world, resulting in a large number of recipes from different cultures. For that reason, today we have the recipe for Mexican Espagueti Verde from Jessica and Emily, who couldn’t wait to share it with me!
Mexican Espagueti Verde is pasta with poblano sauce, and it’s very popular in the country for different kinds of events – from birthdays and graduations to celebrating New Year and Christmas. And, of course, it’s a great recipe for any get-together with friends or relatives. Jessica remembers the first time she tried Mexican Espagueti Verde at a Christmas party at her then-boyfriend’s now-husband’s home. Since then, this paste has been a staple in her home.
The roasted poblano pepper is the main ingredient in this recipe. The spiciness depends on how many peppers you put in the sauce. That way, you can adjust the anger to your preference. This makes this recipe great for those who like spicy food to a certain limit. I would rate the anger of the Mexican Espagueti Verde as really mild. But if you want your tongue to blaze, feel free to add more Poblano.
I think everyone should try this pasta. First, because it is delicious, and second, because it is extremely easy and quick to make. All you have to do is roast the Poblano peppers and deseed them. In a blender, put the peppers, add chicken bouillon and cream, and blend until the sauce becomes smooth. Finally, mix the sauce with the cooked pasta, and you are ready to be surprised by the delightful taste of Mexican Espagueti Verde.
Spiced Rice & Pigeon Peas
“A Dance For Two”
Brazilian Flan
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