Là Chǎo Xīguā Pí


Don't you dare toss that watermelon rind, make this delicious stir-fry instead



Who says that a series on watermelon has to only focus on the watermelon fruit? In my latest series, I’ve been learning how watermelon is eaten around the world. As it turns out, there are several recipes that show just how versatile the watermelon can be, especially when you use the rind and Là chǎo xīguā pí is a perfect example.

Là chǎo xīguā pí is a stir fry dish made from watermelon rinds and spices that’s served over white rice. The watermelon stir fry is courtesy of Cindy, who is originally from China but grew up in Austria. When Cindy was sixteen-years-old, her mother suddenly remembered her recipe for Là chǎo xīguā pí and began making it for Cindy. It was a recipe that Cindy’s mother had prepared for her by a friend’s mother in the countryside during summer. Turns out that it’s both a delicious and creative way to use up the rinds of fresh, summer watermelon.

For Là chǎo xīguā pí, oil is heated in a wok or large pan before chopped watermelon rind is added. The rind is then sauteed until tender in a combination of soy sauce, garlic chili paste, and black vinegar. If you don’t have any black vinegar on hand, you might be able to use balsamic vinegar in a pinch, but I highly recommend investing in a bottle. Black vinegar is richly acidic and can bring out complex earthiness in almost any recipe. It’s an affordable condiment that can enhance tons of different dishes, just like this stir fried watermelon rind. 

When sauteed in the blend of black vinegar, soy sauce, and garlic chili paste, the watermelon rind takes on this indescribable texture. Although it’s soft and tender, it still has a bit of chewy firmness that makes you think you’re eating something like water chestnuts. Plus, the porous surface of the rind soaks up all of the sweet, sour, spice of the condiments as it cooks, so it’s practically bursting with all of the flavor. Served over rice with a topping of fresh green onions, Là chǎo xīguā pí becomes a quick, easy, and budget-friendly watermelon meal.

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Là Chǎo Xīguā Pí


  • watermelon rind cut up in 1-2 cm pieces
  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp black vinegar or balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp garlic-chili paste
  • canola oil


  • Heat a little oil in a wok until hot. Stir fry watermelon rind with soy sauce, vinegar, and garlic-chili paste until it's soft but still crunchy.
  • Alternatively, combine ingredients and airfry for 10 to 15 minutes at 180℃/350℉.
  • Serve warm over rice or as a topping for instant noodles.
Course: Dinner, Lunch
Region: Asia
Diet: Vegan, Vegetarian


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