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Lentil Stew
Achu soup is a traditional dish from Cameroon, known for its unique earthy taste and gorgeous yellow color. The soup is made by blending red palm oil and a potash solution, giving it that iconic hue. It’s often enjoyed at family gatherings and celebrations, making it a dish filled with nostalgia and meaning.
Akom, who submitted this recipe, is from Cameroon. Growing up, achu soup was a staple at family gatherings, and it became a symbol of togetherness. She appreciates the way it brings her family together and connects her to her roots. Akom loves the earthy flavor and that the ingredients come directly from nature.
To make achu soup, boil assorted meats like beef, tripe, and cow skin along with hot pepper, salt, and Maggi seasoning until tender. Save the stock and let it cool to room temperature. In the meantime, grind limestone and warm up the red palm oil. Blend the cooled stock with the limestone, palm oil, and achu spice until you achieve a smooth, yellow sauce. Adjust the seasoning if needed. For the taro, simply boil it until tender, then puree it into a fine mash.
The achu soup surprised me. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the combination of the earthy spices and creamy taro worked beautifully together. The tripe, which I normally find too chewy, was tender and added a subtle sweetness. The color was stunning, and I’m glad I trusted the process. Achu soup is a dish I wouldn’t have tried before, but now, it’s something I’d love to make again. I’m glad I tried something outside my comfort zone. It was a pleasant surprise.
Lentil Stew
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